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A big Hi and Hello there to the viewers of my Selena website. This is my little tribute to my inspiration Selena. It has been 8 long years since her death and we have come a long way since then. Selena has released about 30 new albums since her death and they are all great sellers. You can find out about her albums on my other pages! I am in no way anything to do with Q-Prouctions, EMI Latin etc, just another fan in the world trying to keep her memory alive.
Selena DVD is Released to the U.K!
Yes that's right, The movie of Selena has finally been released to the U.K, Nearly seven years after it was released in the U.S! The Movie has not be released on VHS but it is on DVD. released on 30/06/2003! Unfortunatley it has been released as a short version and does not include any extras.
Selena - Live, The Last Concert DVD is released!!!!!
Yes! Thats right! The long awaited concert has officially been released on DVD only! Become apart of this fantastic concert by purchasing your copy today at www.selena.org! This DVD also includes a special behind the scenes look at of the making of the Selena Movie!

New Selena CD Greatest Hits is released!
Anoter Selena CD how now been released! All the tracks are to be in English! It is also going to be released in 3 versions - Just the CD, CD & DVD (CD packaging) and CD & DVD (DVD packaging) Order it now

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